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Insulin spike, Anabolic drive, Glycogen replenishment, Energy, Recovery.

Gen-Tec Nutrition provides a high quality medium chain carbohydrate polymer

in Pure Carbs. This simple yet effective product is very versatile with many

roles and applications. Pure Carbs will induce an insulin spike. Insulin is the

most anabolic hormone in the human body. The pancreas secretes insulin

when blood sugar levels rise. Being anabolic, insulin will drive nutrients from

the bloodstream into muscle cells. Using Pure Carbs with Gen-Tec Creatine

320 and L-Glutamine 320 and Macro Whey will dramatically increase uptake of

these proteins, and create an anabolic environment to help with muscle growth

and recovery.

Pure Carbs can also be mixed with Macro Whey to increase carbohydrate

levels for a complete meal replacement. Pure Carbs will replenish glycogen

stores more simply and effectively than other carbohydrate sources. The most

rapid rate of glycogen synthesis occurs immediately after exercise. By mixing

Pure Carbs in 1 litre of water immediately after training, games and events,

recovery time is reduced and energy for your next outing will increase. High

quality carbohydrate sources are too often overlooked by athletes, especially

post training, where a high insulin spike is necessary to kick start an anabolic

drive. Gen-Tec Pure Carbs provides an easy means of ensuring you maximise

your recovery and growth.

Use Gen-Tec Pure Carbs prior to training as an energy source, post training for

recovery, or throughout the day to increase daily caloric intake.

After a training session, blood sugar levels and insulin are low. Too many

individuals consume post-training shakes consisting of protein only. In these

conditions the ingested protein will be predominantly directed towards

oxidative pathways (restoring blood sugar and energy) not muscle growth. By

replenishing glycogen stores and spiking insulin, Pure Carbs not only prevents

the protein from being oxidised for energy, but it actually helps direct it towards

protein synthesis and muscle repair and growth! Also use Pure Carbs in

combination with Micronised Creatine Monohydrate to increase insulin levels,

which will aid in the transport of creatine to your muscles.

Post training recovery shake for maximum recovery and growth.

40g-60g Macro Whey (30-45g protein)

40g-80g Pure Carbs

5g Creatine

•5g L-Glutamine


Available in 2kg, 4kg



An effective insulin spike can be obtained by following the program recommended:


Recommended dosage: 1.5g of Pure Carbs per kg of bodyweight.


Dosage: 1g per kg of bodyweight

Program: Bodybuilding (eg 80kg bodybuilder) Immediately after training: 80g Pure Carbs

Athletes and Sports People: (eg football, basketball, netball, soccer, boxing, tennis, tri-athletes, running etc). Pure Carbs will replenish glycogen stores more simply and effectively than other carbohydrate sources. The most rapid rate of glycogen synthesis occurs immediately after exercise. By mixing Pure Carbs in 1 litre of water immediately after training, games and events, recovery time is reduced and energy for your next outing will increase.



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